KNOWLES, Elizabeth - I700117802203

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Research Log

  1. Find a Grave
    1. Elizabeth Knowles Hickox (including maiden), Georgia, US - no results
    2. Elizabeth Hickox (including maiden), Georgia, US - 4 results, no matching
      1. Craven, Elizabeth "Lizzie" Hickox (died 1997 - too recent)
      2. Hickox, Elizabeth Courtoy (died 1974 - too recent)
      3. Hickox, Elizabeth Crews - (died 1911 - too recent)
      4. Sharpe, Elizabeth Ann "Liz" Hickox (died 2011 - too recent)
    3. Elizabeth Knowles (including maiden), Georiga, US - 6 results - no matching
      1. Huling, Elizabeth Knowles - possible, but unlikely match, born around the right time, died a huling. Possible only if the family hisotries are wrong abut her death and they divorced (unlikly for 1880)
      2. Knowles, Elizabeth (died 1961- too recent)
      3. Knowles, Elizabeth (died 1970 - too recent)
      4. Knowles, Elizabeth Hiles (died 1968 - too recent)
      5. Knowles, Elizabeth G. (died 1913 - too recent)
      6. Lamb, Elizabeth Knowles (died 1909 - too recent)
  2. Billion Graves
    1. Elizabeth Hickox, d. 1825 +- 5, United States, Georgia
      1. no results