The Wire Grass Region

From Crews Genealogy Wiki: focusing on the Wiregrass south, and related families
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For five hundred miles, at the least, we travelled in different paths of the South, over a country of this description, almost every where consisting of sand, feebly held together by a short wiry grass, shaded by the endless forest. I don’t know exactly what was the case, but it was a long time before I got quite tired of the scenery of these pine barrens. There was something, I thought, very graceful in the millions upon millions of tall and slender clubs, growing up in solitude, not crowded upon one another, but gradually appearing to come closer and closer, till they formed a compact mass, beyond which nothing was to be seen. Not even a ray of the sun could pierce the gloom; and the imagination was at liberty to follow its own devices and the imagination was at liberty to follow it’s own devices into the wilderness, as far at it pleased. These reasons will probably be left for ages in neglect. The poverty of the soil, and the difficulty of procuring water, will, in all likelihood, condemn the greater part of them to perpetual sterility. [1]


  1. Travels in North America in the years 1827 and 1828. By captain basil hall, Royal Navy. Vol. II. Philadelphia, carry, lea & Carey, — Chestnut street, 1829.